Exploring Stage Craft
July 21 – August 1 (two weeks)
Grades 8–12
Interested in a theater career behind the scenes? Get ready for a two-week dive into stage craft techniques. Learn from the pros in the Guthrie’s shops as you explore scenic design, carpentry, costumes, props, lights, sound and projections. Then develop your own designs and put your skills to the test as you work together to build a three-dimensional experience. This camp will collaborate with the Musical Theater Workshop camp, offering an opportunity to design and construct delightfully playful elements for The SpongeBob Musical showcase.
You will receive an email receipt upon completion of your order. The Guthrie Education Department will send additional information about your programming prior to your start date. If you have questions please email education@guthrietheater.org or call 612.225.6134.
To register:
Please make your selection below and fill out the form. If you are registering for more than one camp, a separate registration is needed for each camp.
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